Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : thalamus

Showing 1 to 11 of 11

Conclusions and Discussion

... the PFC, basal forebrain, hippocampus, and thalamus. The basal forebrain and thalamus focus attention and expectation of incoming stimulus, the hippocampus marks salient sensory input for memory and learning, so period-doubling bifurcations in...

Thalamic circuitry and thalamocortical synchrony

... same corticothalamic axon in the RTN and dorsal thalamus are an important element in the capacity of the cortex to synchronize low-frequency oscillations in the network. Interactions of focused corticothalamic axons arising from layer VI cortical c...

Neural dynamics in a model of the thalamocortical system. II. The role of neural synchrony tested through perturbations of spike timing

... cortical areas or between the cortex and the thalamus. In the present work, by parametrically increasing the degree of activation of these loops, we saw that a critical amount of activity had to be reached in order to produce synchronous firing ...

5-HT2A Agonism and Multisensory Binding

... through the basal ganglia and back into the thalamus for discrimination and gating of incoming signal flow to the cortex. These loops can be described as attention-controlled feedback filters which drive and stabilize external perception and be...

Erratic Hallucination

... spike train involving some feedback to the thalamus and basal structures to fix the frame’s snapshot in working memory. These feedback circuits normally neutralize in about 1/15th of a second, allowing for multisensory frame update of @15hz....

PET and MRI of the thalamus in never-medicated patients with schizophrenia

... showed a diminished metabolic rate in the right thalamus, with a loss of the normal pattern of right greater than left asymmetry. Division into anterior/posterior segments revealed that the left anterior and right posterior showed the decrease. Dif...

How Hallucinogens Play Their Mind-Bending Games

... at Purdue University, believes the thalamus must be involved in some manner. "The thalamus is the major relay station for sensory information that is sent to the cortex, and there are serotonin 2A receptors localized in the thalamus an...

Psychedelic Pharmacology

... to many areas of the cortex, affecting the thalamus (sensory filter), amygdala (fear and survival), hypothalamus (homeostatic regulator), hippocampus (memory and learning), and neocortex (sensory and logic processing). Neuromodulators synchron...

Bypassing interneurons: inhibition in neocortex

A recent paper suggests a new form of inhibitory circuit in cortex, in which a pyramidal cell directly excites the presynaptic terminal of an inhibitory interneuron, allowing the rapid and powerful inhibition of another pyramidal cell....

Scientists explain inception of perception in the brain

... where sensory information passes from the thalamus to the neocortex for processing. That critical transfer is a bit of a brain science mystery: Instead of reacting to information from the thalamus with a burst of excitatory chatter, most c...

The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action

... the cortex to gate sensory input from the thalamus; this is called feedback inhibition, and it is typically tonic, meaning top-down feedback produces an inhibitory effect over many consecutive spike trains for extended periods of channeled fo...

Showing 1 to 11 of 11