Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : ADSR

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Informal Discussion of Topics

... saturation attack, decay, sustain, and release (adsr) to describe the onset and feel of distinct hallucinations. An ADSR envelope is a wave modeling technique used in electronic synthesizers to shape the tones and sounds of various musical instrume...

Conclusions and Discussion

... has a distinct sensory interrupt frequency and adsr envelope based on its affinity and selective agonism in sensory binding pathways; and that the unique interrupt and ADSR envelope created by each molecule is responsible for its unique hallucinog...

An Overview of Physical Shamanism

... multisensory frame perception with a specific adsr (attack, decay, sustain, release) envelope. By modulating standing vocal waves the shaman can exactly match the periodic frequency of the hallucinogenic interrupt; by changing the shape of the li...

Notes on Psychedelic ADSR Envelopes and Purity

adsr envelopes will change slightly for any substance depending on dose and speed of absorption into the bloodstream, but beyond that they may also change depending on the purity of hallucinogen in question. For instance, if an LSD experience is desc...

Notes on Psychedelic ADSR Envelopes and Purity

... well as the attack, decay, sustain, and release (adsr) of the interrupt envelope. Using ADSR values to model the shape and intensity of a hallucinogen's effect on perception we can differentiate between psychedelic experiences which are intense, mil...

Entoptic Hallucination

... in terms of saturation decay and release (or adsr envelope).10 Full saturation would mean a complete white-out of sensory information at the interrupt site; zero saturation would mean the interrupt site is cleared of signaling molecules and is p...

ADSR envelope

An adsr (attack-decay-sustain-release) envelope is a component of many synthesizers, samplers, and other electronic musical instruments. Its function is to modulate some aspect of the instrument's sound — often its loudness — over time. The envel...

Notes on ADSR envelopes

Using adsr envelopes to describe intensity of perceptual frame interrupt is not presented as an exact science, it used as an available shorthand for approximating differences in the tone and texture of each hallucinogen as it influences consciousness...

The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action

... the attack, decay, sustain, and release (adsr envelope) of the hallucinogenic interrupt as it effects consciousness. (Fig. 2)3,4 For example, nitrous oxide (N20) inhalation alters consciousness in such a way that all perceptual frames arise ...

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